Nos Crémants d’Alsace sont issus de la méthode traditionnelle, aussi appelée méthode Champenoise. Les bulles proviennent donc d’un procédé naturel : la seconde fermentation en bouteille.
La vinification débute par une 1ère fermentation alcoolique. En résulte un vin tranquille doté d’une belle acidité. Cette cuvée est mis en bouteille et nous y ajoutons une liqueur, mélange de levures et de sucre. Nous bouchons avec une capsule métallique.
S’en suit une 2e fermentation alcoolique. Pour rappel, les levures mangent le sucre, le digérant en alcool et en CO2. Ici, le CO2 est retenu dans la bouteille grâce à la capsule. Nous obtenons la prise de mousse. Lorsque les levures ont mangé tout le sucre, un dépôt se forme dans les bouteilles.
À ce stade, nous avons un effervescent complètement sec (brut nature). Nous pouvons le laisser reposer ainsi pendant quelques mois, voire quelques années. C’est ce que nous appelons le temps sur lattes.
Puis, les bouteilles sont installées tête en bas, permettant au dépôt de glisser dans le goulot. Nous procédons ensuite à son expulsion ; c’est le dégorgement. Nous ajoutons la liqueur d’expédition, qui dose et compense la perte due au dégorgement. Il ne reste plus qu’à mettre le bouchon de liège, la plaque et le muselet.
Our Crémants d'Alsace are made using the traditional method, also called the Champagne method. The bubbles come from a natural process : the second fermentation in the bottle.
The vinification starts with a first alcoholic fermentation. The result is a still wine with a nice acidity. This wine is bottled and we add a liqueur, a mix of yeast and sugar. We cap it with a metal cap.
A second alcoholic fermentation follows. As a reminder, the yeasts eat the sugar, digesting it into alcohol and CO2. Here, the CO2 is retained in the bottle with the cap. We obtain the foam. When the yeasts have eaten all the sugar, a deposit forms in the bottles.
At this stage, we have a completely dry sparkling wine (brut nature). We can let it sit for a few months or even years. This is what we call the time on slats.
Then, the bottles are installed upside down, allowing the deposit to slide into the neck. We then proceed to its expulsion; it is the disgorging. We add the expedition liquor, which doses and compensates the loss due to the disgorging. All that remains is to put the cork, the plate and the wirehood.
The bottling is done in the winter following the harvest. The 2nd fermentation takes place at low temperature, favoring the development of particularly fine bubbles.
A prolonged time on the lath – between 20 to 24 months – reveals more volume and fullness when tasted. It is necessary to give time to time to obtain one of the best Crémants of Alsace !
Our Crémant d'Alsace Brut Chardonnay is partially composed of a reserve wine, which brings its share of complexity. The latter is a wine from the previous harvest, part of which is stored in wooden barrels.
The pleasure, with the bottles of sparkling wine, is the bubbles. They must dance finely on the tongue. We particularly like festive wines, which is why we pay a little extra attention to them. Our sparkling wines are dry, allowing you to enjoy them as an aperitif, and throughout the meal.
Chardonnay and Pinot Blanc grapes make up our white Crémants. Pinot Noir is used for our Crémant d'Alsace rosé.
Our Crémants d'Alsace are made from a very slow pressing of whole bunches of grapes. This choice avoids triturations, which would have the effect of bringing out bitterness. The vinification is slow, and marked by the cold, favoring a very floral bouquet.
In addition to the arrival of the organic label for the 2022 vintage, various details contribute to our eco-responsible commitment. Among them, the vines are treated (biologically) as intelligently as possible, the grape harvest is done by hand, the bottling is done in winter, avoiding air conditioning the cellar. Also, our Crémants contain no animal products.
5, rue de la Commanderie
67140 ANDLAU
+33 (0)3 88 08 93 20
From Monday to Friday:
8:30 to 12:00 & 14:00 to 17:30
: 8:30 to 12:00 & 14:00 to 17:00
: By appointment only
Organic Farming Estate certified by Ecocert FR-BIO-01
All rights reserved | Domaine Wach