Produced according to the traditional method, the Crémant d'Alsace rosé has been regulated by an Appellation d'Origine Contrôlée since 1976. A set of specifications ensures the legal framework concerning, among other things, the yield, the production, and the aging.
The harvest dates for Crémants, announced few days before still wines, makes it possible to preserve the liveliness and brightness of the fruit. The Pinot Noir – which must be hand-harvested – is the only grape variety authorized for the production of this festive wine. It brings, in particular, structure and finesse.
At Domaine Wach, we attach great importance to this prolonged maturation. An exercise of time lasting 18 to 24 months allows our Crémant d'Alsace rosé to develop another level of wisdom.
The specifications impose an ageing on laths for a minimum period of 12 months. During this prolonged period of maturation, the autolysis of the yeasts and a slow oxidation bring amplitude and refine the aromas.
The disgorging – by cooling – which follows the maturation eliminates the yeast deposit. The volume thus released is compensated by the addition of a liqueur. The recipe, specific to each winemaker, is also a signature of the domain. It allows us to obtain a mention brut, extra-brut or demi-sec. The cork, the metal plate and the wirehood follow.
Selon le millésime, notre Crémant rosé d’Alsace dévoile de douces nuances framboises à saumoné. Des arômes de petits fruits rouges dansent dans le verre. En bouche, la palette aromatique prolonge celle du nez. Marqué par la fraîcheur, l’ensemble chatouille le palais en dévoilant de bulles fines. Le dosage volontairement modéré en fait un effervescent particulièrement plaisant, et polyvalent.
Incontestablement un vin de fête, le Crémant d’Alsace rosé réjouit les papilles dès l’apéritif. Il trouve son bonheur auprès d’un gravlax, d’une tarte fine aux tomates, ou d’un cake aux lardons. Dans le doute, des accords avec un clin d’œil régional (ex. kougelhopf salé) et les accords de couleurs (ex. madeleine au saumon fumé) sont de bonnes pistes à explorer. Contrairement à certaines idées reçues, nous ne vous recommandons pas de douceur ni de fruit, qui raffermiraient l’impression tannique liée au cépage.
Depending on the vintage, our Crémant rosé d'Alsace reveals soft raspberry to salmon nuances. Aromas of small red fruits dance in the glass. In the mouth, the aromatic palette extends that of the nose. Marked by the freshness, the whole tickles the palate by revealing fine bubbles. The deliberately moderate dosage makes it a particularly pleasant and versatile sparkling wine.
Very festive wine, the Crémant d'Alsace rosé delights the taste buds as soon as it is served as an aperitif. It is perfect with a gravlax, a fine tomato pie or a salty cake with bacon. When in doubt, agreements with a regional touch (e.g. salted kougelhopf) and color agreements (e.g. madeleine with smoked salmon) are good avenues to explore. Contrary to popular belief, we do not recommend sweetness or fruit, which would strengthen the tannic impression associated with the grape variety.
5, rue de la Commanderie
67140 ANDLAU
+33 (0)3 88 08 93 20
From Monday to Friday:
8:30 to 12:00 & 14:00 to 17:30
: 8:30 to 12:00 & 14:00 to 17:00
: By appointment only
Organic Farming Estate certified by Ecocert FR-BIO-01
All rights reserved | Domaine Wach